FOSS Take Off 🚀

Maximiliano Rios
1 min readAug 21, 2020

Hey, everyone!

I’m Max, a senior at Dickinson College studying computer science🖥️ My post-college plan is to work as a Software or Systems Engineer.

The Purpose

This blog will act as a journal for the Dickinson College Computer Science Senior Seminar for the 2020 academic year. Our focus for the year will be Humanitarian/Free and Open Source Software (H/FOSS).

What you might read:

  • My interpretation of our in-class discussions on various H/FOSS topics,
  • Challenges I faced during development,
  • Lessons I have learned during discussions and development, and
  • Maybe a rant or two.

The Mission

My main goals are to become a better software engineer and to contribute to a FOSS project.

How I will be reaching these goals is by reflecting on past posts, learning from my failures, understanding the cultures of various development organizations, and working alongside diverse programmers.

As the academic year progresses, new goals will arise and I will make sure to keep everyone updated.

You can also find me on LinkedIn and GitHub.

